Monday, March 16, 2009

Stop smoking or get beaten up!

The block forth smoking is in placement at Kolkata's SSKM hospital as are messages against spitting here furthermore there. Although regardless of the offences continuing, doctors at the hospital enjoy put up posters saying offenders will henceforth be fairly beaten up.

"It is not our intention that we start beating up people. While we wanted to send a cultural shock. A cultural shock therapy can do wonders in behavourial modifications if the issue of smoking comes or when the issue of spitting comes," said Dr Abhijit Chowdhury, SSKM hospital.

Dr Anbumani Ramadoss can be pleased regardless of the initiative, while clients to the hospital are not even amused though they realise the threat of physical punishment is no more than that - a threat. .

"The message could take advantage of been sent out differently.

1 comment:

  1. hi,

    Sometimes the cultural shock therapy works as reminder for those who ignore many more things.
